Of Preservation and Blessings


The Rev. Scott Gunn is a dear friend of mine. He’s also the director of Forward Movement (the people who make the Forward Day by Day pamphlets), and the author of a wonderful introductory book on Christian faith and the Episcopal Church (Walk in Love). He’s also, as you see in the picture, very, very tall. Recently, Scott was traveling to Singapore for work when he suffered an extremely serious medical incident. He has since made an astounding recovery, and in this little essay he talks about how almost dying has affected his Christian walk. He writes,

...when I first became aware of what had happened to me, I was struck anew by the precarious nature of my life — and of all our lives. As I thought about the possibility of dying, I realized that I’m unafraid of death. All these years, I intellectually believed that was true, but when the possibility gets serious you really ponder this stuff! Maybe you’ve had this experience. But I am here to testify that I believe that Jesus Christ has conquered death and sin on the cross and in the empty tomb. God our Father raised Jesus to new life, and he can surely raise each one of us to new life, also. “Death no longer has dominion” is not an abstraction. By God’s grace, I am not afraid.

I encourage you to read the whole thing. It was a tremendous gift to my faith, and I hope it will come as a gift to you as well.


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