Hurricane Relief

Litany in Response to a Natural Disaster


Holy God, Creator of heaven and earth,

Have mercy upon us.

Holy and Mighty, redeemer of the world,

Have mercy upon us.

Holy Immortal One, Sanctifier of the faithful,

Have mercy upon us. 

Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, One God

Have mercy upon us. 

For all those affected by the devastation of Hurricanes Milton and Helene

O Christ, hear us. 

For all who suffer from injury and illness, emotional and spiritual distress. Give them hope and encouragement to meet the days ahead.

O Christ, hear us.

Console all who grieve: those whose loved ones have died, whose families are torn; whose homes have been destroyed, whose possessions have been ruined.

O Christ, hear us. 

In the midst of incomprehensible loss, grant us eyes that see, ears that hear and hands that work so that we may discern how you would have us respond.

O Christ, hear us.

For all churches, agencies, and individuals who assist in relief efforts; continue in them the good work you have begun, through them your presence is made known.

O Christ, hear us. 

Grant your people grace to witness to your word, to open their hearts in love, and to give generously from their abundance, that they may bring forth the fruits of your Spirit.

O Christ, hear us.  

You are our refuge and strength,

   our very present help in trouble.

In you, Lord, is our Hope

   And we shall never hope in vain.

 Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Glory to God from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus for ever. Amen.

To support relief efforts:

 Episcopal Relief and Development

American Red Cross

Local Relief Effort

Rummage Next Week!

October 17-19, 2024

  • Thursday, October 17th. Preview sale: 4:00- 7:00 p.m ( $10 admission)

  • Friday, October 18th. Regular sale: 12:00-4:00 (free admission)

  • Saturday, October 19th. Regular sale: 9:00- 12:00 (free admission)

Thank you all for all the wonderful donations!  We received so many beautiful items, that we are now able to have a three day sale!

Volunteers: We need volunteers to help this Sunday, 10/13 to start moving POD donations into the church.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 9:00- 1:00 pm unpacking and setting up the sale

Thursday, Friday and Saturday: Sales help

Saturday: Clean-up at noon

Daily lunches are provided!

Please email us, even if you can only donate a couple of hours to help - it all adds up.

It is going to be a great 49th Rummage Sale!

With thanks and gratitude,

The Rummage Committee

Anglican Discussion Group

What does the Anglican Order of Worship at the time of South African apartheid have to say to us as we worship today? Whether you know our Holy Eucharist by rote or are new to our liturgy, join Bonnie Bivins in a discussion of Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s reflections on the sections of the Holy Eucharist, as captured in the Rev. Michael Battle’s book Reconciliation. We will meet in the Flemer Library on Sunday at 9:30 AM.


Presiding Bishop Investiture Watch Party

Join the Trinity Church community and the Princeton Seminary Episcopal/Anglican Student Fellowship at 10:30am on November 2 for a festive lunch while watching the livestream of the investiture of our Presiding Bishop-elect, the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, and his first celebration of the Holy Eucharist as Primate. Richard Pryor and Allie Graham will offer commentary on the unique portions of the service. Please register before October 28 at and reach out to Richard Pryor at if you have any questions.

GriefEncounters Bereavement Support Group

Tuesday evenings 7-8:30pm, Conference Room

  • Oct 22, 29

  • Nov 5, 12, 19

  • Dec 3

Friday mornings 10-11:30am, Conference Room

  • Oct 25

  • Nov 1, 8, 15, 22

  • Dec 6

Grief is one of life’s most profound experiences. Many of us are simply not prepared for the level of sadness, isolation, and vulnerability that often result after losing someone we deeply love. We have expanded our gatherings and will offer two separate groups. Please join us as we share our journeys of grief, supported by God’s grace, Scripture, and one another.
Contact Lois Foley (Tuesday evening group)

Contact Sara Alvea (Friday morning group)

Nominations for Vestry

Elections for four new vestry members will be held during the Annual Meeting on November 10.  Any baptized and confirmed parishioner who has pledged is eligible for nomination.  Vestry members serve a three year term. 

If you love Trinity Church and would like to serve on its governing body, we encourage you to nominate yourself by contacting the co-chairs of the Vestry Nominating Committee, Melissa Scott ( and Chris Leavell (  If you'd like to nominate someone other than yourself, feel free to contact Melissa and Chris with your suggestion. 

Parish Retreat

Join Kara and your friends from Trinity Church on November 22-24 for a weekend retreat at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, NY on the banks of the Hudson River. This will be a "mostly-silent" retreat, with many opportunities to pray and worship in community with the brothers of the Order of the Holy Cross. Along with time to read, rest, or explore the beautiful monastery grounds, there will also be a Bible study led by Kara:

  • Breakfast is available any time from 6:30am to 8:15am

  • 7:00am - Matins

  • 8:30am - The Great Silence Ends

  • 9:00am - Holy Eucharist

  • 10:00am - Bible study 

  • 12:00pm - Diurnum (Midday Prayer)

  • 12:30pm - Dinner

  • 5:00pm - Vespers (Evening Prayer) - Sundays at 4:00pm

  • 5:45pm - Supper

  • 7:30pm - Compline (Night Prayers)
    The Great Silence begins after Compline

We will leave on Friday afternoon and return Sunday after the Eucharist. The cost for the weekend is $250, but let us know if the cost is prohibitive for you. We don't want that to be a barrier to your participation. There are 12 rooms available, and you can sign up at this Google Forms link or by emailing Kara at Let us know as well if you will need a ride and if you have dietary needs. 


Driveway Safety Improvements

Our driveway that connects Mercer and Stockton streets is a great convenience for parishioners and for parents of Nassau Nursery children.   It is also a safety hazard as it tempts drivers to speed through our property to save a few minutes.  In addition, some drivers have been entering from Stockton Street in violation of the driveway's one way direction.  Finally, there was no signage alerting drivers exiting onto Stockton Street that they need to stop before the sidewalk.

Recently, the Grounds committee invested $2,400 in three improvements to minimize these safety risks:

  1. Installed a speed bump to slow speedsters down before they reach the Narthex area

  2. Asked the Municipality of Princeton to replace one of its Do Not Enter signs at our Stockton St. exit that had become extremely faded.  They promptly made that change as well as reoriented their second Do Not Enter sign for better visibility.

  3. Added two smaller "Do Not Enter" signs facing from our fence to Stockton Street to ensure that any driver turning from any direction will see that they should not enter our driveway.  

  4. Installed two Stop signs just before the sidewalk at Stockton Street  and painted the words "Stop" along with a thick white line across the driveway.

In addition, our contractors fixed three potholes in the parking lot, repainted two handicapped parking spots and the crosswalk by Ivy Hall.  Special thanks to our wonderful sextons for putting up all  of our new signs!

Please help keep parishioners and children safe by entering our driveway only from Mercer Street, driving slowly over the speed bump and by making a full stop when exiting at Stockton Street.