New Associate Director of Music at Trinity!

Dear Friends,

We are excited to announce Trinity’s next Associate Director of Music, Joseph Ferguson.  Joseph will begin his work at Trinity at the beginning of July.  He will be joined in Princeton by his wife Stephanie and their cat Mark.

I am grateful to our dedicated search committee, made up of Michael Edwards, Krista Galyon, Emma Levitt, and Tara Sikma who dedicated time and expertise in this search.  In addition, many members of the parish helped with hospitality for various candidates, taking them for meals and showing them around town.  

This search was intensive and garnered applicants from across the country and also from several other countries.  In each stage of the process, Joseph rose to the top of the pack with his consistent thoughtfulness, level of preparation, and evident deep care for the complex nature of music ministry.  We are looking forward to all that he will bring to our community, both musically and personally.  You can find more background on Joseph, as well as a message from him, below.  Please join us in giving him a warm Trinity welcome!

As we welcome Joseph, we also bid a fond and grateful farewell to Connor Fluharty.  Connor has faithfully served Trinity Church for the last eight years.  Connor has been a gift to this church through challenging times, and we are grateful to him for all that he has shared with us.  Connor’s last Sunday will be Choir Sunday, which is on June 2nd this year.  Please join us for the 10:00 service on June 2nd to celebrate Connor and to send him off with our love.


Meg and Paul

Joseph Ferguson is an organist and pianist from Little Silver, New Jersey. Currently a graduate student of organ at Yale University's Institute of Sacred Music, he maintains keen interests in improvisation and liturgical music. Joseph is currently Organ Scholar at Church of the Heavenly Rest in Manhattan, New York, where he accompanies the adult choir and choristers on the church’s 138-rank Austin organ, performs service music and voluntaries, and conducts regularly. He previously served a sacred music internship at Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Church in Verona, New Jersey.

Beyond university, Joseph has pursued study of sacred music at St. Joseph’s Seminary & College in Yonkers, New York and St. Patrick’s Seminary & University in Menlo Park, California. Previously, Joseph earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in piano performance from Rutgers University and McGill University respectively, cultivating a passion for the imaginative, idiosyncratic performance practices documented on recordings of the late-19th and early-20th centuries.

Notable performances include Dohnányi’s comic piano concerto “Variations on a Nursery Theme,” Op. 25 with Rutgers Sinfonia as winner of the ensemble’s annual concerto competition; a solo organ recital at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, New Jersey as part of the Wednesdays at Noon recital series; and Fauré’s Requiem, Op. 48 alongside chamber orchestra at Church of the Heavenly Rest.

From Joseph:

I am incredibly excited to be joining you at Trinity Church. I've had a wonderful experience getting to know some members of the parish already, and I'm so grateful to everyone on the staff and the search committee who has made this possible. I'm looking forward to meeting more of you soon, making music together in service of the community and for the glory of God.

Volunteers Requested

The Flower Ministry is looking for a few more volunteers to deliver flowers.

Each week, when the flowers are taken down from the altar, they are used to make small arrangements for delivery to parishioners selected by the Clergy/Pastoral Care.  Currently, there are only four of us, and we would like to have a few more people to participate.  

The requirements are pretty minimal-you just need to be able to drive and to exercise confidentiality about who is getting flowers and why.

If anyone is interested, or would just like to learn more about it, contact Terri Brown at 609-915-3800 or

Icon Workshop!

July 13 - 19, 2024

Deadline to register: June 13, 2024

The Prosopon School of Iconology returns to Trinity Church for the (24th!) icon workshop. Beginning students will complete an icon of Christ Emmanuel during the workshop. Never held a paint brush? No worries! You will be given a drawing to trace onto the board, step-by-step instructions, daily demonstrations, and all materials. See the announcement for more information. Still have questions? Contact workshop coordinator and Trinity’s iconographer in residence, Maureen McCormick, at

The Art of Pilgrimage

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church, 

As the days to my sabbatical draw ever closer, I ready myself for this sacred season that awaits. Much preparation and planning has been done for sure, but I know that it’s the unexpected things along the way that will be the most nourishing, challenging, and life-giving.

Phil Cousineau, in his book, The Art of Pilgrimage writes, “For millennia, [the] cry in the heart for embarking upon a meaningful journey, has been answered by pilgrimage, a transformative journey to a sacred center.”  Our lives are most definitely “a transformative journey to a sacred center.” Holy travel across the seasons of our lives. And we take this sacred journey together.

Cousineau continues on to say, “With the roads to the exalted places we all want to visit more crowded than ever, we look more and more but see less and less. But we don’t need more gimmicks and gadgets; all we need to do is reimagine the way we travel. If we truly want to know the secret of soulful travel, we need to believe that there is something secret waiting to be discovered in virtually every journey.”

As we enter the months ahead, I invite us to reimagine the way we travel. I invite us to reimagine the way we live, the way we pray, the way we serve, and the way we love. I invite us to give ourselves the freedom to discover something secret, something sacred, something holy. And to remind ourselves to not simply look at the world around us, but to open our hearts and souls, so that we may truly see the wonderful gifts that God has in store for us. May we see with the eyes of the heart.

I invite you to join me this Sunday, and again on Tuesday evening for a more in-depth conversation (more information in the article below), as we prepare to embark on this pilgrimage that together we may indeed discover the sacred art of soulful living.

Peace and Blessings on the way,


Anna Lapwood Recital

Attention all music lovers!  Acclaimed English organist Anna Lapwood will play a recital at Princeton University Chapel this coming Monday, April 8 at 8:00 p.m.  A group from Trinity will attend the concert together.  We will meet outside the church office at 7:00 p.m.  Please join us!  For more information on the concert, check out:

Newcomer's Tea at the Rectory

Sunday, April 14th at 4 pm

New to Trinity in the past year or two?  The Newcomers Committee invites you to join the clergy, vestry members and fellow newcomers for refreshments and fellowship at the Rectory where Fr. Paul Jeanes lives.  It's next to our parish hall at 25 Mercer St.  We'll start at 4 pm and end at 5 pm.  Then feel free to join us as we walk next door to the church for the evening prayers said during Compline.  Registration is not required but is appreciated; email