The Place God Calls Us

Dear Friends, 

This morning at 7am, I hit the send button and submitted the first complete draft of my Doctor of Ministry Thesis from General Theological Seminary for review. Why Church?: Understanding how the next generation perceives the purpose of the Church. I conclude my thesis with a reflection on an art exhibit currently on display at the Bainbridge Art Gallery. This reflection is an edited version of my thesis conclusion.

While looking at the paintings, I was fortunate enough to meet one of the artists, Khalilah Sabree. Sabree was born in Macon, Georgia, and raised as a Southern Baptist, who, after moving north to Trenton, New Jersey, converted and became a devout African-American Muslim. In describing her collection of paintings, Destruction of a Culture, Sabree says, 

I explore how devastating changes disrupt world cultures and impact human relationships, societal structures, and the global landscape…The series began with a single image: a photo I took in Mecca of two African women gazing over a fence, as if peering into the future. The intensity of their focus captivated me; I envisioned them as bearers of a unique power able to foresee a changing world that remains hidden from others. As this photo became a series of paintings, imagination was my guiding force. I engaged in dhikr, allowing the remembrance of God to infuse my work with spiritual depth and resonance.

In conversation, Sabree shared with me that within the intensity, struggle, destruction, and truth of each painting, she intentionally put an element in clear focus, which was to draw our attention and invite us to enter into a place of spiritual refuge - a portal through which we could find safety and rest.

      When Things Fall Apart           Breaking Point     Lost

Later that evening, I learned of yet another death of a Princeton University student. This is the eighth Princeton University student in three years to commit suicide. Princeton is supposed to be Mecca, the Promised Land, the pinnacle of the American Dream – an Ivy League university and one of the premier universities in the world. Yet with all the resources, student services, people, professors, programs, opportunities, buildings, money, reputation, and connections … eight young people in the last three years have been unable to find a safe refuge, a portal through which they could find safety and rest. They felt the only way forward, the only way to survive was to die

We live in a world that could be described as the destruction of a culture, and this isn’t creative destruction; it’s just destruction. Destruction of our environment. Destruction of opportunities because of economic disparity and unequal access to resources. Destruction of dignity and our humanity by acts of racism, xenophobia, transphobia, and simply plain old hate and indifference. Destruction comes in all shapes and sizes - sometimes vengeful and violent, harsh and arrogant, brash and bold, external and obvious, and other times internal and soulful, emotional and relational, hidden and subtle, deceptive and disguised, yet just as destructive.

There is a tremendous calling and need right before our eyes. There is a world of people, young and old alike, longing for a portal through which they can travel and find a place of refuge - a place of safety and rest from a world that can be daunting, damning, and destructive. I believe our primary calling as the people of Trinity Church is to show the way to the portal through which people can find rest, healing, and hope – in other words, salvation. God save us from ourselves - from our sin and arrogance, pride and ego, misguided pursuits and blindness, insecurities and vanities. The Church only survives if we do – and far too many people have no idea that the Love of God, as revealed to us in Jesus Christ, is a portal through which we find more than a place of refuge; we find life - life in the fullness of God’s intention for all of God’s beloved children.

Peace and Blessings,

The place God calls [us] to is the place where [our] deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.
— Frederick Buechner

The Moment We Cease to Hold One Another

As we journey through the richness of Black History Month, I'm reminded of the profound wisdom of James Baldwin. In his essay "Nothing Personal," Baldwin concludes with a powerful statement: "The moment we cease to hold each other, the moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out."

We must NEVER cease to hold each other. So many forces in the world tell us why we should not be in relationship with others, why we should be suspicious, and why we should be fearful. So, many voices tell us to look out for ourselves and ourselves alone. We need to be very careful with new faces, new voices, new people, new ways of being and believing. Be very careful, for all of these threaten our way of life. And that's the heart of the issue … a threat to OUR way of life.  

This fuels an US versus THEM mentality. Which then breeds distrust and suspicion, self-interest and exclusion, prejudice and hate. We must recognize that our collective well-being hinges on our ability to stand together in solidarity. We must NEVER cease to hold each other, for without each other, we will not make it. Without each other - the sea engulfs us, and the light goes out.

Forward in faith that we all may be one!!

Seeking Justice

I’ve been thinking a lot this week about how we as a Church (both big C and little c) see ourselves and our mission in the world. The world is on literally and figuratively on fire and what are we supposed to do about it?

I recently took the General Ordination Exams (GOE) for The Episcopal Church. Writing the GOEs are a requirement for the priesthood in The Episcopal Church, as well as a rite of institutional passage. There are 6 essay questions taken over 3 days, with 3.5 hours allotted for each answer. It's grueling, but it can also be illuminating, fun, and a bit dangerous.

The first question of the second day was the Church History question, and we were instructed to profile 2 Episcopal Bishops, one modern (consecrated after 1945) and one historical (consecrated between 1810-1880), and to reflect on how our 2 examples could inform a newly elected Bishop today.

As a relatively new Episcopalian, I was excited to dig deeper into our history, and decided to research and report on an anti-slavery, abolitionist Bishop. Imagine my dismay and distress upon discovering there wasn't a single one. Not even one. I already knew that The Episcopal Church was the only major Christian denomination that did not split during the Civil War. I already knew that The Episcopal Church's complicity created deep wounds that we are still healing. And I know it’s quite possible that, given my research limitations, I might have missed something or someone. But for some reason, finding not a single Bishop who was courageous enough to speak out against the horrors of slavery stunned me into silence and sadness and rage. And into a writer's block that lasted an hour, before I managed to cobble together an answer that wasn't, by my own standards, sufficient.

צֶדֶק (tzedek), the Hebrew word for justice, appears over 400 times in the Old Testament, and it is crystal clear that God requires us to "Do justice and love mercy." Even when it's not convenient; perhaps especially when it's not convenient.  When Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated in 1968, he had a disapproval rating of 75%. His disapproval rating was even high among African-Americans, partly because of his increasing outspokenness against the Vietnam war. MLK paid the price for the courage of his convictions with his life. And so did Jesus.

"My Bishop '' ended up being Bishop William White of Philadelphia, who was the first and fourth Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. Bishop White ordained Absalom Jones, the first Black man ordained in The Episcopal Church, in 1795, and was committed to the American Revolutionary cause.  And although Bishop White was a bright light in my sea of despair, I was unable to use him in my essay because his consecration did not happen during the stated rubric of the exam question. But he gave me hope.

This is my cue to ask myself, and to ask you to ask yourself, "What do I believe and what or who am I willing to stand up for?" Our passions, our beliefs, our truths are required. Whatever the issues, whatever the needs, be they local, national, or international, we are the hands and feet of God in this world.

Jesus said "The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed." (Luke 4:18)

We as a parish, as a beloved community, have everything we need to make a difference in the world. Our Eucharistic Prayer says that we present our entire selves as a living sacrifice to God. My prayer is we all, in every way we can, continually seek out and do צֶדֶק

The Power to Bless

Dear Beloved Ones of Trinity Church,

This past week, I found myself re-reading John O’Donohue’s classic work To Bless the Space Between Us, a wonderful collection of poems and soulful wisdom. Toward the end of the book, he has a section called “Preparing the Space for Blessing.”

“When a blessing is being invoked, time deepens until it becomes a source from which refreshment and encouragement are released. As Yeats says: Feeling I was blessed and that I now too could bless.

Whenever one person takes another into the care of their heart, they have the power to bless. There are things we never do simply because it never occurs to us that we can do that. To bless someone is to offer a beautiful gift. When we love someone, we turn toward them with our souls. And the soul itself is a source of blessing.” (p.207)

In the Examination portion in the liturgy for the Ordination of a Priest, it says, “You are to preach, to declare God’s forgiveness to penitent sinners, to pronounce God’s blessing, to share in the administration of Holy Baptism and in the celebration of the mysteries of Christ’s Body and Blood, and to perform other ministrations entrusted to you.” (BCP, p.531) 

Within the liturgies and sacramental rites of the Church, priests are given the privilege and responsibility of pronouncing blessing, but I pray that you never underestimate your power to bless. We are created in and through God’s blessing and love. That reality is the ground of our being and the true essence of our humanity, wonderfully restored and animated in the waters of baptism.

One does not need to raise their hand and make the sign of the cross invoking the trinitarian formula of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to bestow blessing. When you listen with compassion, see the truth of someone’s pain, speak words of tenderness and truth, open your heart and soul to another, and reach out your hands to serve and care - you offer a blessing. You become a living, breathing, loving blessing!

O’Donohue goes on to say, “Perhaps we bless one another all the time, without even realizing it.” (p.209) This offers us the possibility of a life “infused with blessing.” And this, dear ones, changes us, changes the world, changes everything.

Peace and blessings to all!

We Announce...

In the early Church, one job of the bishop was to calculate the date of Easter each year and transmit that information to every priest. It’s one duty that Bishop French is happily freed from, although she might prefer that to processing the pile of email she receives every day! Because written calendars were rare, and because few laypeople could read, the priest would in turn announce the date of Easter to the congregation. The Noveritis (Latin for “we announce”) was chanted at the Eucharist on the feast of the Epiphany. It was an appropriate time to do this, as the liturgical calendar moved from seasons governed by the fixed date of Christmas to seasons governed by the movable date of Easter.

At our Epiphany service (5 PM this Saturday), I will read the Noveritis for 2024 and announce the date of Easter to the people of Trinity Church. Why do this in an age where we have calendars on our phones as well as on our walls? Besides than the fact that I think ancient practices like this are fun, it’s above all a reminder of how central the Resurrection is to our life as a Church. Every year revolves around Easter, and every Sunday is a feast of the Resurrection of our Lord. We live our lives as Christians illumined by the light of Christ that is kindled every Easter.

I hope to see you on Saturday evening! Not only will you find out when Easter is happening, you will also hear some wonderful music from the choir - and you can take home some chalk to bless the door of your house. But in case you can’t make it, here is this year’s text:

Epiphany Proclamation 2024

Dear friends, the glory of the Lord has shone upon us, and shall ever be manifest among us, until the day of his return. Through the rhythms of times and seasons let us celebrate the mysteries of salvation.
Let us recall the year’s culmination, the Easter Triduum of the Lord: his last supper, his crucifixion, his burial, and his rising celebrated between the evening of the twenty-eighth day of March and the evening of the thirtieth day of March, Easter Day being on the thirty-first day of March.
Each Easter — as on each Sunday — the Holy Church makes present the great and saving deed by which Christ has for ever conquered sin and death. From Easter are reckoned all the days we keep holy.
Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, will occur on the fourteenth day of February.
The Ascension of the Lord will be commemorated on the ninth day of May.
Pentecost, joyful conclusion of the season of Easter, will be celebrated on the nineteenth day of May.
And, this year the First Sunday of Advent will be on the first day of December.
Likewise the pilgrim Church proclaims the Passover of Christ in the feasts of the holy Mother of God, in the feasts of the Apostles and Saints, and in the commemoration of the faithful departed. To Jesus Christ, who was, who is, and who is to come, Lord of time and history, be endless praise, for ever and ever. Amen.

Yours in Christ,


The Road Ahead

Dear Good People of Trinity,  

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, we will most assuredly reflect upon all that was and all that was not in this past year. Each year changes us, shapes us, and forms us. Sometimes, in dramatic and visible ways, and other times, the changes are quite subtle and go seemingly unnoticed. As time passes, we are becoming a new creation. The realities of life wash over us like the flowing of a river cutting its way through the land and, over time, shaping and changing the contours of the terrain as it finds its way to its destination.  

As we ready ourselves to begin this new year, I share with you one of my favorite prayers from Thomas Merton. This prayer brings me great comfort as we live with the uncertainties of life. For as much as we may like to think we have some kind of control, the truth is we have very little. How we live amid all that life brings to us defines who we are, and knowing that God is with us every step of the way changes everything.

“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always, though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.” -Thomas Merton, Thoughts in Solitude  

For all that was, for all that is, and for all that is yet to be – Thanks be to God!   Peace and Blessings,

Are We Ready?

Dear Beloved of Trinity Church,  

Tomorrow, our Advent journey comes to a close, and we transition swiftly and seamlessly into the celebration of the Nativity of our Lord. In our case at Trinity Church, this will happen between the 8 AM Advent IV service and the first service of Christmas Eve at noon. The hangings will change. The vestments will change. The readings, hymns, and prayers will change. The Baby Jesus will find his way to the creche. We will transition from expectation and preparation to a celebration of the truth of the Incarnation of God’s word made flesh in Jesus.  

However, the transition is so much more than changing hangings, colors, readings, and hymns. This transition is about changing our hearts, souls, minds, and lives. For Christ has been born, and that truth changes everything about who we are, who we can be, what the world is, and what the world can be and indeed will be in and through the redemptive love of Jesus.  

And we must remember that Christ came not to celebrate the perfection of the world but to redeem its brokenness. Christ came not because of our successes and achievements but rather quite the contrary because of the truth of our tears, fears, longings, and loneliness. So, I ask you and me and all of us - Are we ready? Are we ready to allow Christ into those places of our lives where light so desperately needs to shine? Are we ready to let Christ’s loving hand touch the places where pain and resentment reside? Are we ready to allow Christ into our hearts so we might not only believe in Christ but trust in Christ? Are we ready to go to the manger and see in the innocence of an infant the power to change the world, the source of life that animates all of creation, the one in whom and through whom we are saved? Are we ready?      

Christmas blessings to all,